
1. Name

The organisation is known as “Exeter & District Volleyball Association” and is referred to as the “Association” in the sections that follow.

2. Area

The area covered by the Association will be determined by the admission to membership of organisations from time to time. This will be influenced by the need to minimise traveling distances for competitive matches.

3. Aims and Objectives

(a) The Association is a non-profit making organisation

(b) To promote and encourage the game of volleyball including:

(i) To provide and organise a structure for competition within the Association’s area.

(ii) To affiliate with the English Volleyball Association (EVA) and with regional and other local associations.

(iii) To encourage and assist teams to develop towards regional and national competition.

4. Membership

Membership shall be open to schools and other organisations within the Association’s area. All players must belong to a team or other organisation affiliated to the EVA.

5. Officers

(a) The Association will be administered on a day to day basis by an Executive Committee. This will comprise ten posts of Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Press & Fixtures Officer, Development Officer, Tournaments Secretary, Officials Secretary, Beach Director, Quartermaster and Publicity & Promotions Officer, together with a representative from each club participating in the Exeter & District League. In the event that the named representative cannot attend a meeting of the Executive Committee the club may nominate a substitute to attend in their absence.

(b) The ten named posts of the Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve until the next AGM. They may stand for re-election.

(c) The election process shall be as follows:

(i) All existing members of the Executive Committee should advise the Secretary, before the AGM Agenda is prepared, whether they wish to stand for re-election. This information should then be included in the Agenda.

(ii) The election of representatives to posts at the AGM be conducted by the Secretary in the following order; Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Press & Fixtures Officer, Development Officer, Officials Secretary, Tournaments Secretary, Beach Director, Quartermaster and Publicity & Promotions Officer,

Nominations for each named post will be taken in turn and that officer elected before continuing to the next. Any representative may nominate another and if that representative agrees it will be recorded by the Secretly. Any representative who wishes to nominate him (her) self will be similarly recorded provided that the nomination is seconded.

If there is only one candidate standing he (she) will be elected automatically. In the event of competition for one of the named posts a secret ballot will be held on a representative one vote basis. Slips will be distributed by the Secretary and collected by:

(i) For the post of Chairman by the outgoing Secretary (unless standing for Chairman).

(ii) For all other posts: by the new Chairman.

Nominees are entitled to vote. The candidate polling the most votes will be elected. In the event of a tied vote between two or more candidates, the position of Chairman will be determined by the outgoing Treasurer (unless involved in a tied vote, in which case the outgoing Secretary fulfils the role). In the event of a tied vote for other posts, the newly elected Chairman determines the issue. Each club participating in the Exeter & District League shall nominate a representative to serve on the Executive Committee before the commencement of the season.

(d) Additional members may be co-opted by the Executive Committee and may be given voting rights.

(e) The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees with executive powers.

(f) The Chairman at an Executive Committee will vote on matters only to resolve a tied vote.

(g) At least four members of the Executive Committee must be present to form a quorum. In the absence of the Chairman, the Secretary will chair the meeting. In the absence of the Secretary the Treasurer will chair the meeting.

(h) The Executive Committee shall meet as frequently as required but not less than once each quarter.

(i) Each club must send a representative (in addition to EDVA officers) to each EDVA meeting. If a club fails to do so, it will have 1 league point deducted per team in the club (see rule 7.5)

6. General Meetings

(a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association will be held in September of each year. Two weeks notice of the meeting will be given by the secretary.

(b) A representative of each member organisation must attend. Failure to attend will result in a fine. More than half the member organisations must be represented for the meeting to be quorate.

(c) More than one member of an organisation may attend but only one may vote. One person may not represent more than one organisation.

(d) The business of the AGM will include:

(i) To receive the Chairman’s report.

(ii) To receive the Treasurer’s report and audited accounts.

(iii) To receive and resolve any proposals for amendments to the constitution.

(iv) To elect the Executive Committee for the coming year.

(v) To appoint an auditor.

(vi) Any other business. Any member or organisation may call for a vote on a matter to be adopted as Association policy. (The Secretary must be notified (in writing) of any matters proposed no less than 14 days prior to the AGM in order that this may be included in the Agenda prior to circulation).(e) An extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) must be called by the Secretary if requested in writing by a member organisation and supported in writing on the same issue(s) by two others. The meeting will be convened to discussion on the issues raised. The Secretary will give two weeks notice of the EGM. Attendance is not compulsory but more than half the member organisations must be represented for the meeting to be quorate (same rules of representation apply as for the AGM).

(f) The Constitution may only be changed at the AGM or EGM with appropriate notice given as set out in (d) and (e) above.

7. Finance

The financial year shall run from 1st August to 31st July each year. The Treasurer shall present audited accounts at the AGM. A bank account shall be maintained and this, and any other accounts, be held in the name of the Association and be subject to two signatories for withdrawals. In the event of dissolution of the Association the Treasurer has sole responsibility for the conversion of any tangible assets into cash. All cash (after meeting any outstanding debts of the Association) be repaid in equal shares to member organisations.

As approved at Annual General Meeting held on 14th July 2011