Coaver Summer Volleyball 2018

SUMMER VOLLEYBALL 2018: entries are now being taken for this years evening leagues. Entry fee is £25 per team or £15 if all of the squad are Coaver Club members. To enter a team, simply message here with details of your Team name, preferred starting division and all of the players names.

PAYMENT: should be by online transfer to account no 10301184 sort code 16-19-25 with your team name as reference. Alternatively you can pay in cash on the evening of the first league matches. There is a late payment fee of £5 after this date.

LEAGUE DETAILS: starts on Thursday 17th May and runs through to 6th September (BBQ night). Matches start at 6pm and teams need to be ready to play at that time. Food will be available every Thursday from 5pm-8.30pm, the menu for which will be posted here shortly. There is a practice session planned for 10th May for those that want it. Playing rules and net set up rotas will be circulated on the opening evening.

INSURANCE: There is NO insurance cover provided by the club or DCC, therefore players/teams requiring cover will need to make their own arrangements. Team captains must ensure that all of their players are aware of this before participating.

TOURNAMENT: The entry fee includes the cost of our annual tournament on Saturday 28th July which comprises a cup event for each division of the evening league. Registration is from 11.30am. The event will be followed by a free BBQ and live music in the Club, all of which is included in the league entry fee. Teams participating in this event will earn 3 extra league points for the evening league.